Keynote Speakers

NICOGRAPH International 2025 presents keynote speaker sessions with three leading experts in the field of computer graphics, animation, and human computer interaction.

Tatsuo Yotsukura

OLM Digital Inc., Japan

Arisa Wakami

Tokyo Zokei University, Japan

Hongbo Fu

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

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Registration & Payment

Registration Fee

Early bird*3: until May 9th Standard*4: after May 10th On-site
Regular: Member*1 35,000 JPY 40,000 JPY 45,000 JPY
Regular: Non-member 40,000 JPY 45,000 JPY 50,000 JPY
Student: Member*1*2 20,000 JPY 25,000 JPY 30,000 JPY
Student: Non-member*2 25,000 JPY 30,000 JPY 35,000 JPY
  • *1   Member of the Society for Art and Science or ADADA.

  • *2   Student presenter will receive a discount of 5,000 JPY.

  • *3   Early bird registraion opens on April 14th.

  • *4   Standard registration closes on June 18th.

Call for Submission

Submission categories include long/short oral paper (up to 8 pages) and poster (up to 2 pages). NICOGRAPH International 2025 reviewing is single blind, in that authors are not shared the names of the reviwers, but the reviewers know the authors. All accepted full/short papers will be included in the conference proceedings to be published by Conference Publishing Services (CPS) ( and submitted to the IEEE Xplore and Computer Society digital libraries and submitted for possible indexing through INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and other indexing services.

Online Submission:

All papers (full/short/poster) must be written in English, and use the following templates for preparing your papers:

IEEE Templates (DOC, Latex, Overleaf) (8.5" x 11", US Letter)

Authors may optionally upload supplementary material, which may include videos, audios and images to showcase results/demo of the proposed approach/system. With the electronic submission system, you can submit your papers and edit your submission as many times as you need before the submission deadline. The authors are encouraged not to wait till the submission deadline and register their paper titles and abstracts as earlier as possible to facilitate the reviewing process. By submitting a paper the authors confirm that their paper represents original previously unpublished work, and if accepted, at least one of the authors will register for the conference and present the paper.

Authors can submit papers related to what has already been published in journals or conference proceedings. However, please be aware of the copyright rules of the previous publication, and be sure to cite the publication, especially, in case it has been published in a journal paper or a reviewed international proceeding. Authors also need to clarify a difference or progress from the previous publication. The previous publication is necessary to be uploaded through a submission form for the reviewing purpose.

Topics and Keywords of the conference include but are not limited to:

  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Vision
  • Image/Video Processing
  • Visualization
  • Non-Photorealistic Rendering
  • Animation
  • Multimedia
  • Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
  • Digital Art
  • E-Heritage
  • Video Game
  • Content Design
  • Affective Computing

Venue & Accommodation

NICOGRAPH International 2025 will take place at The Kanazawa Theatre.

The Kanazawa Theatre

The Kanazawa Theatre is a multipurpose hall that located in Shimotoda-machi, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa in Japan. It features a 1,919-seat grand hall and hosts a variety of events from operas to fun musicals.

Address | 6-27 Shimohondamachi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0993, Japan


Please check the following link for the details of access to The Kanazawa Theatre from Kanazawa Station. This link is only avilable in Japanese.


Please reserve appropriate hotels at your preference. We normally recommend hotels near Kanazawa Station or Korinbo and Katamachi.

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In Cooperation with:


NICOGRAPH Code of Conduct

25. March, 2023(Created)
1. April. 2023(Board approval)

NICOGRAPH aims to contribute to the advancement and development of art and sciences through free and vigorous discussion while exploring the interface between art and science. To achieve this, it is necessary to create an environment in which each participant can engage in discussion in a safe and secure manner while embracing diversity. Therefore, we expect all NICOGRAPH participants to adhere to the following policies.

  1. Do not violate life, health, safety or property of participants.
  2. Respect personality and privacy of participants.
  3. Do not discriminate against participants based on their gender, sexual orientation/gender identity, disability, age, national origin, race, faith or creed, or other characteristics. NICOGRAPH welcomes respect for all participants while considering cultural diversity in society.
  4. Do not behave with any harassment. NICOGRAPH welcome to prevent harassment in any academic activities.
  5. Do not injure participants, their property, reputation, or employment through false or malicious conduct, rumors, or other verbal or physical abuse.
  6. Conduct honest and fair discussions from an objective standpoint based on facts and data, and fairly evaluate the contributions of participants.
  7. Respect the intellectual property rights and intellectual achievements of participants.
  8. Do not interfere with the progress of a conference.
  9. Disseminate information on the network while complying with the law and based on the agreements of participants for above 1-8 terms.
  10. Notify to the NICOGRAPH Executive Committee if you find any conduct that violates the above or that may threaten the operation of the participants or related organizations.
  11. All participants agree to and support following this policy and share a duty of effort to ensure compliance.
  12. Any participants who intentionally violate the above 1-8 terms will be disqualified from participation in events for a maximum of four (4) years. The NICOGRAPH Executive Committee will determine it through deliberate discussions.
Additional notes

If a participant behaves in unacceptable behavior at NICOGRAPH that violates the above, or has done so in the past, the NICOGRAPH Executive Committee reserves the right to take any action it deems appropriate:

  • Prohibit participation in any NICOGRAPH activities, including publication of papers.
  • Prohibit profit from any activities of NICOGRAPH.
  • Suspend or terminate a membership of the Society for Art and Science.

The NICOGRAPH Executive Committee may take these actions for an offender who has a membership of the Society for Art and Science or not.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


Office of the society for art and science

Itoh laboratory, Department of Information Sciences, Ochanomizu University

2-1-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-8610, Japan


e-mail: nicoint2025-org _at_