第23巻 第2号(Volume 23, No. 2)
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science Vol. 23, No. 2
pp. 2:1-2:13

Gray-scale and Moire using Thickness Control in Bridge Structure of Fused Deposition Modeling 3D Printers
Haruki Takahashi

2023/5/26 受付 (Submitted)
2023/11/27 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2023/12/27 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (11.13MB)

pp. 3:1-3:13

Matching up Stone Tools and Storage Bags via Deep Learning of Stable Posture Images
Mengbo You, Fumito Chiba, Kouichi Konno

2023/8/23 受付 (Submitted)
2024/4/3 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (3.01MB)

pp. 4:1-4:17

A New Matching Algorithm for Stone Tool Reassembly Based on Contour Points of Flake Surface
Amgalan Altansukh, Mengbo You, Enkhbayar Altantsetseg, Oyundolgor Khorloo, Fumito Chiba, Kouichi Konno

2023/11/10 受付 (Submitted)
2024/3/26 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2024/4/18 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (2.86MB)

pp. 5:1-5:10

Construction, Control and Optimization of Stacked Relief Maps
今給黎 隆,
原 寛徳
Takashi Imagire,
Hironori Hara

2024/3/14 受付 (Submitted)
2024/6/3 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (1.84MB)
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Last updated: 2024/6/11