The Journal of the Society for Art and Science Guideline for Authors

March 25, 2002 - Establishment
September 7, 2003 - Partial Revision
November 18, 2005 - Partial Revision
May 15, 2006 - Partial Revision
April 1, 2010 - Partial Revision
October 31, 2020 - Partial Revision

1. Documents for Submission

The following items are the designated documents for submission. All documents are to be sent via email to the society secretariat (paper at Also, please note the following rules for the size and quality of submitted files.

2. Documents for the Submission of Accepted Papers

The following items are the designated documents for submission. All documents are to be sent via email to the society secretariat (paper at Also, please note the following rules for the size and quality of submitted files. Additionally, accepted papers will incur either special reprint or publication fees.

3. Paper Format

4. Fonts

Although font sizes are not specified, the following is a recommended standard.

5. Sections

The Body Text must be written into sections of any length, as appropriate. All sections must have a number and title.
(section title examples)
1. Introduction
2. Previous Methods
3. Our Proposed Method
3.1 Method Data Structure
3.2 Method Algorithms
4. Results
5. Conclusion

6. Diagrams

If tables or diagrams are to be published in the PDF file of the paper Body Text, they should be referenced within the Body Text and displayed in an appropriate location (near the place of reference). All tables and diagrams should have a number and title.

( tables and diagrams number / title examples)
Figure 1. Outline of our method
Table 1. Comparison of Processing Times

7. References

All references should be enumerated in a single list following the Body Text . All references must be numbered and cited in the Body Text.
This journal has no restriction on the number of pages, and neither is there a restriction on the number of references. The author is encouraged to include sufficient references and citations for asserting the originality of the paper. In particular, the author窶冱 own corresponding presentation must be included.

8. Author Biography

The author biography must be written on the last lines of the paper Body Text, limited to about 100 words in length. Aside from the author name, the biography should include the name, department, and course of study of the school from which the author graduated (or is currently attending), work history, current office and work duties, awards, degrees, primary affiliations to academic societies/conferences, etc. Furthermore, a portrait photograph of the author in a print size within 28 x 22 mm must be affixed.

Attachment Files

In this journal, it is possible to exhibit works related to the arts and sciences as attachment files. Ample attachments are encouraged when it is not possible to sufficiently represent your research results within the PDF file of the paper Body Text.
File formats are not especially defined, however standardized file formats should be used when possible. In particular, device-dependent file formats and those that require specific applications should be avoided, since they hinder not only browsing but also peer review.

10. Review Criteria on Originality

In the case that an original paper has the same content as one already released or in the process of being released in another publication, it cannot be accepted by this journal. Additionally, anything regarded as identical to a written work for which copyrights are owned by a party other than the author cannot be accepted by this journal. However, as an exception, original papers with content similar to written works such as patent publications and proceedings of international conferences, meetings, or seminars may be accepted. Further exceptions may exist for the acceptance of special edition papers.

In order to determine if a paper submitted as an original paper to this society窶冱 journal satisfies the review criteria on originality, the publications committee will exchange paper information with other academic societies and organizations as needed. Information exchanged by the publications committee will be used only for the judgment of review criteria on originality. In addition, the exchanged information will be returned to the other academic societies and organizations or destroyed, within six months from the exchange. Furthermore, at the time of an exchange, a request will be sent in advance to the other society or organization for the handling of information at a level equal to or less than that of this society窶冱 publication committee.

11. Author Qualifications

At the least one author of the submitted paper must be a member of this society at the time of submission or publication. If none of the authors are members at the time of submission, the paper will be received under the premise that the procedure to become a member is underway.

(Additional Rules)

These regulations are in effect for papers received as original paper s after the 25th of March, 2002.

Last updated: 2015/1/21
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