芸術科学会論文誌 投稿用カバーシート ■ 論文種類(以下のうちから一つ選択) ・原著論文 フルペーパー ■ 論文分野(1)〜3)のうちから一つ選択) 2) 科学系分野 ■ カテゴリ(1個以上選択) a-2)CG技術(レンダリング) ■ 該当特集(以下のうちから一つ選択) ・一般論文 ■ 論文題名(和文、英文) Accurate and Efficient Drawing Method for Laser Projection ■ 著者名(和文、英文) プルカット アブドレイン Purkhet Abderyim 原美 オサマ Osama Halabi 藤本 忠博 Tadahiro Fujimoto 千葉 則茂 Norishige Chiba ■ 著者所属(和文、英文) 岩手大学 Iwate University ■ 著者e-mail purkhet@cis.iwate-u.ac.jp ohalabi@cis.iwate-u.ac.jp fujimoto@cis.iwate-u.ac.jp nchiba@cis.iwate-u.ac.jp ■ 連絡担当者の氏名、住所、所属、電話、Fax、e-mail 氏名:プルカット アブドレイン 住所:020-8551 盛岡市上田4−3−5 所属:岩手大学工学部情報システム工学科 千葉・藤本研究室 電話:019-621-6470 Fax: 019-624-4078 e-mail: purkhet@cis.iwate-u.ac.jp ■ 論文概要(和文400字程度、英文100ワード程度) Laser projectors are commonly used in the entertainment industry to create vector-based graphics. In order to present a stable image to observers, the laser projector moves the beam quickly using computer-controlled mirrors. The speed is high enough so that the human eye perceives it as a persistent line of light. In contrast with other vector graphic devices, laser projectors have their own inherent problems when drawing a laser image. These problems include an unexpected laser trail when the laser is switches on and off, the inertia effect for sharp corners, flickering, and the inconsistent brightness of a visible laser line. This paper presents an accurate and efficient approach for drawing graphics with a laser projector. The first section of the paper attempts to solve the unexpected laser trail problems by testing a simple pattern where this effect occurs. In the second section, we discuss a technique to compensate the error caused by the inertia effect for different rotation angles of the mirrors. We have also proposed the use of an Eulerian graph (unicursal) to reduce flickering and an efficient drawing sequence for the created Eulerian graph. ■ キーワード(和文5個程度、英文5個程度) Vector Graphics, Laser Projector, Line Drawing, Eulerian Graph, Visible/Blank Lines