芸術科学会論文誌 投稿用カバーシート ■ 論文種類(以下のうちから一つ選択) ・原著論文 フルペーパー ■ 論文分野(1)〜3)のうちから一つ選択) 2) 科学系分野 ■ カテゴリ(1個以上選択) a-3) CG技術(アニメーション) ■ 該当特集(以下のうちから一つ選択) ・一般論文 ■ 論文題名(和文、英文) Surface Reconstruction for Particle Simulation Using Level Set Method ■ 著者名(和文、英文) プルカット アブドレイン, Purkhet Abderyim 藤本 忠博, Tadahiro Fujimoto 千葉 則茂, Norishige Chiba マミチミン ゲニ, Mamtimin Geni ■ 著者所属(和文、英文) 岩手大学, Iwate University 新彊大学, Xinjiang University ■ 著者e-mail   purkhet@cis.iwate-u.ac.jp   fujimoto@cis.iwate-u.ac.jp nchiba@cis.iwate-u.ac.jp mgheni@163.com ■ 連絡担当者の氏名、住所、所属、電話、Fax、e-mail 氏名: プルカット アブドレイン 住所: 020-8551 盛岡市上田4−3−5 所属: 岩手大学工学部情報システム工学科 千葉・藤本研究室 電話: 019-621-6470 Fax: 019-624-4078 e-mail: purkhet@cis.iwate-u.ac.jp ■ 論文概要(和文400字程度、英文100ワード程度) A particle-based method is one of the most commonly used methods for fluid simulations. It has certain advantages over other fluid simulation methods; for example, it is easy to simulate irregular and complex fluid motion with topological changes. However, the surface reconstruction for particles remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a surface reconstruction method for moving particles whose motion data are given by a particle-based simulation method. Our method utilizes a level set method to reconstruct a surface because the level set method enables the surface to change its topology free according to the irregular arrangement of particles. Moving particles' data such as positions and velocities given by a gridless particle-based method are effectively used in the level set method executed on a grid space. As a result, a suitable surface is reconstructed so as to follow the moving particles with topological changes. Besides, our method makes isolated splash particles to appropriately contribute to the surface reconstruction. Some experimental results show the useful performance of our method. ■ キーワード(和文5個程度、英文5個程度) Fluid, Surface reconstruction, Level set method, Particle-based simulation, MPS method