The Journal of the Society for Art and Science Cover sheet for paper submissions * Paper Types (choose one) - Original Full Paper * Paper Field(choose one) 3) Fusion (Art and Science) * Categories (choose one or more) c-2) Interactive Art Content c-4) Media Art Content c-5) Installation Art Content * Special Issue Correspondence (choose one・ - Submission for a Special Issue (Name: NICOGRAPH 2022) * Title Study on Wiping Operation to Accelerate Human Activities on Hidden Object Game * Author(s) 1) Tsetsegjargal Erdenebaatar (Non Member) 2) Tadahiro Fujimoto (Regular Member) 3) Kouichi Konno (Regular Member) ・ ** Please include one of (Regular Member / Student Member / Non Member) as appropriate for each author name. ** Note that at least one of the authors should be a regular member (not a student member) before the time of publication. If there are no regular members among the authors, the paper is acceptable on the premise that one of the authors will complete the member application procedure. * Author Affiliation(s) 1) Graduate School of Engineering, Iwate University, Iwate, Japan 2) Graduate School of Engineering, Iwate University, Iwate, Japan 3) Graduate School of Engineering, Iwate University, Iwate, Japan * Author E-mail Address(es) 1) 2) 3) * Name, Address, Affiliation, Telephone number, Fax number, and E-mail Address of the Contact Person * Abstract (approx. 100 words) An aesthetical image composition and mysterious stories are the main components of a hidden object game (HOG) to make it enjoyable. In an HOG, players find objects hidden in an image and inquired by a list. As far as we know, there have been insufficient studies to explore game elements such as the efficiency of game effects on an HOG to accelerate human activities. In this paper, we propose メwiping operationモ to accelerate human activities for an HOG. In an HOG that we developed, first, an original image is transformed into a triangulated image. Then, during game play, the quickness of the wiping action by a player makes the level of detail of the triangulation finer and rougher. We did an experiment to investigate the performance of the wiping operation. Each player in the experiment wore a brain activity sensor to obtain a brain activity value during game play and answered a questionnaire after game play. We show the experimental results by the questionnaire and brain activity value to verify the effectiveness of the wiping operation. * Keywords (around five) hidden object game, wiping operation, interactive entertainment game, triangulation, game experience question ** Authors should submit their manuscripts (PDF or WORD format) to the secretariat of The Society of Art and Science by e-mail, with a cover sheet (in plain text). The secretariat will inform the author of the receipt number after receiving the manuscript. ** No manuscripts bigger than 10 MB will be accepted. If the file size exceeds 10 MB, please upload it to an author’s website.