第19巻 第5号(Volume 19, No. 5)

The Journal of the Society for Art and Science Vol. 19, No. 5



pp. 77-85

Motion Visualization by Superimposing Velocity / Acceleration / EMG on Motion Trajectory of Body Site -An Example of Hand Movement During Painting by Skilled Painters

砂田治弥, 横山清子, 松河剛司, (一社)日本塗装工業会技術委員会
Haruya Sunada, Kiyoko Yokoyama, Tsuyoshi Matsukawa, Technical Committee of Japan Painting Contractors Association

2020/4/1 受付 (Submitted)
2020/9/25 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2020/11/9 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (0.95MB)

pp. 86-97

A New Method of Spatial Effect to Japanese-style Room by Shoji Projection Mapping

小栗真弥, 水野慎士, 浦田真由, 遠藤守, 安田孝美
Shinya Oguri, Shinji Mizuno, Mayu Urata, Mamoru Endo, Takami Yasuda

2020/4/6 受付 (Submitted)
2020/10/12 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2020/10/26 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (39.84MB)

pp. 98-104

Interaction System via Throwing Money in The Tent Play

Yuki Morimoto

2020/5/15 受付 (Submitted)
2020/9/14 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2020/12/1 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (0.84MB)

pp. 105-112

A Color Scheme Timeline with Scenarios and Art Documents at the Initial Stage of Content Production

戀津 魁, 三上浩司, 竹島由里子, 近藤邦雄
Kai Lenz, Koji Mikami, Yuriko Takeshima, Kunio Kondo

2020/7/10 受付 (Submitted)
2020/10/25 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2020/11/23 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (0.60MB)

pp. 113-122

Image Inpainting for Paint Crack by Space Distance and Difference of Bilateral Filter

Hiromi Yoshida

2020/6/16 受付 (Submitted)
2020/9/18 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2020/12/14 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (4.34MB)

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Last updated: 2020/12/16