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Welcome to NICOGRAPH International 2012



Submission system for NICOGRAPH International 2012 WAS available on EasyChair. (currently CLOSED)

Following three categories of papers are acceptable:

  • Full paper: to be accepted with as few as four pages and as many as 12 pages.
  • Short paper: max length 4 pages
  • Poster: max length 2 pages

Papers should be submitted as PDF files. One supplemental movie or sound file in MP3, MP4, WAV, AVI, MPG, MOV, and WMV can be attached.

Template files of WORD (http://art-science.org/nicograph/nicoint2012/nicoint-sample1.doc) or LaTeX (http://art-science.org/nicograph/nicoint2012/nicoint-sample1.zip *revised on 2012/3/14) are strongly recommended to prepare submissions.



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