第9巻 第1号(Volume 9, No. 1)
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science Vol. 9, No. 1
2010年3月31日発行2009 NICOGRAPH International・春季大会・芸術科学会展投稿論文特集
Papers for Special Issues "2009 NICOGRAPH International
& NICOGRAPH Spring & Art and Science Exhibition"
Papers for Special Issues "2009 NICOGRAPH International
& NICOGRAPH Spring & Art and Science Exhibition"
pp. 1-9
Local Modification of Subdivision Surfaces Based on Curved Mesh
徳山 喜政, 今野 晃市, 曽根 順治, R.P.C. Janaka Rajapakse
Yoshimasa Tokuyama, Kouichi Konno, Junji Sone, R.P.C. Janaka Rajapakse
2009/7/13 受付 (Submitted)
2010/1/7 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2010/1/7 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (3.68MB)
pp. 10-19
Sampling Calligraphy:
The Drawing and Viewing Method derived from a Calligraphy System based on the Sampler Metaphor
Hiroki Uchihira, Homei Miyashita
2009/8/11 受付 (Submitted)
2010/1/1 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2010/2/9 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (0.97MB)
コンテンツ動画ファイル (WMV file) (8.62MB)
一般論文 Papers
pp. 20-28
Generating Reactive Attention of CG character For Voice User Games
Junichi HOSHINO,
Hiroshi MORI
2007/10/19 受付 (Submitted)
2009/10/30 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (0.98MB)
pp. 29-37
A Contents Retrieval Supporting Technique Based on Grasping Pressure
山本景子, 南部俊輔, 佐藤 宏介
Keiko Yamamoto,
Shunsuke Nambu,
Kosuke Sato
2009/8/7 受付 (Submitted)
2010/1/14 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2010/1/26 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (3.81MB)
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Last updated: 2011/12/7