第8巻 第3号(Volume 8, No. 3)

The Journal of the Society for Art and Science Vol. 8, No. 3


一般論文  Papers

pp. 120-129

A Streamline Selection Technique for Integrated Scalar and Vector Visualization

古矢志帆, 伊藤貴之
Shiho FURUYA, Takayuki ITOH

2009/1/27 受付 (Submitted)
2009/6/2 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2009/7/7 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (716KB)

pp. 130-142

MIKAN GLOBE MT: An Interactive World Map featuring Seamless Map Projection and Guaranteed Visibility

Katsutsugu MATSUYAMA, Makoto OKAMOTO

2009/3/3 受付 (Submitted)
2009/7/17 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2009/8/26 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (629KB)

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Last updated: 2009/9/25