The Journal of the Society for Art and Science Paper Submission Regulations

June 3, 2001 - Establishment
March 25, 2002 - Partial Revision
August 10, 2003 - Partial Revision
September 7, 2003 - Partial Revision
November 18, 2005 - Partial Revision
May 15, 2006 - Partial Revision
June 13, 2008 - Partial Revision
October 4, 2008 - Publication of the Paper Format Sample
April 1, 2010 - Partial Revision
April 9, 2011 - Partial Revision
October 31, 2020 - Partial Revision

1. Aim of the Journal

Our society issues this journal in accordance with Article 3 of the Society Articles of Incorporation and Article 15 of the Society Constitution, for the purposes of investigating points of agreement between the arts and sciences, and to contribute to the further development of the arts and science in the arts.

2. Types of papers submitted to the Journal

The Journal receives manuscripts for original articles (including short and full-length papers belonging to any field in the arts, sciences, or the integration of the two) and commentary articles.
  1. Original articles must possess novelty, and additionally at the very least one of the following traits: authenticity, applicability or artistic quality.
    a. An artistic contribution is indicated by content primary focused on art, although it may be within a domain of science in the arts or the integration of science and art.
    b. A scientific contribution is indicated by content primarily focused on science, although it may be within a domain of science in the arts or the integration of science and art.
    c. An integrated contribution is indicated by content primarily focused on science in the arts or the integration of science and art.
    As a rule, texts containing up to 1500 English words are treated as short papers, while longer texts are treated as full papers. Full papers are limited to 9000 English words in length.
  2. Commentary articles must be authentic and prove useful to the members of the society. In addition to regular submissions from authors, commentary articles may also be requested by the society’s Publications Committee.

3. Author Qualifications

At the least one author of the submitted paper must be a member of this society at the time of submission or publication.

4. Manuscript Submissions

A submitted manuscript must be composed of a coversheet and body text according to the following requirements. Additionally, in the case that the Publications Committee has established a separate Guide for Authors (see, both requirements/guides must be satisfied.
  1. Coversheet
    Written in the following order, within approximately 40 lines containing 40 characters each.

    a. Type, Field of Paper
    b. Paper Title
    c. Author Names
    d. Author Affiliations
    e. Author Email
    f. Name, Address, Affiliation, Telephone, Fax, and Email of Corresponding Author
    g. Paper Abstract (Under 100 words)
    h. Keywords (up to 5 words)

  2. Body Text (written in accordance with either LaTeX or Microsoft Word templates)
    Written in the following order A4 size page (40 lines containing 40 characters each).
    a. At the outset of the first page, write the following content so it is well balanced on the page. As a general rule, only one column is to be used.
    • Paper Title (English, and Japanese if available)
    • Author Names (English, and Japanese if available)
    • Author Affiliations (English, and Japanese if available)
    • Author Email address
    • Paper Abstract (same as the coversheet, under 100 English words)
    • Keywords (up to 5 words / same as the coversheet)
    b. Content beyond the coversheet and first page should be as follows. A two-column format is to be used as a general rule. All the following content should be written consistently in English.
    • Body Text (including figures and tables)
    • Acknowledgements (if applicable)
    • References
    • Appendices (if applicable)

  3. Checklist for special issues including NICOGRAPH etc. (Not necessary unless submitting to a special issue)

    a. Updates and revisions to your recently submitted NICOGRAPH paper
    b. Confirmation that your references include the paper presented at NICOGRAPH.

5. Submission Process

As a rule, two documents should be uploaded to the submission website: the coversheet in text format and the body text in PDF or Word format. Submissions may be sent by email to the journal’s Publications Committee (paper at, only in the event that uploading is not possible. The society secretariat will notify the authors with a receipt number when we receive your submission. Please note that as a rule the submitted files should be less than 10 MB in size.

6. Peer Review and Acceptance

Based on the submission type and field indicated by the authors, papers will be reviewed by the Publications Committee to determine acceptance or rejection, and the authors will be notified of the results.

7. Publication of papers

Paper transcripts will be compiled into appropriate journal medium edited and published by the society. Moreover, abridged portions of the paper transcripts including the abstract may be published in other media.

8. Copyrights

All copyrights for the paper transcripts are held by the authors, provided that, at the time of submission, the authors give their permission to publish the paper transcripts on the journal media edited by the society. Additionally, the authors will assume responsibility for the content of all accepted papers.

9. Fees

There is no fee for submitting a paper. For published papers, a fee will be charged for either the publication or reprints.
Regulations for publication fees(
Regulations for reprinting fees (

10. Paper Revisions

In the event that an author notices a revision needs to be made to a published paper, the author may present a formal request to the Publications Committee in writing.

11. Revision Process

Revisions to these regulations are carried out with the full consent of the Publications Committee.

(Additional Rules)

These regulations are in effect from the 7th of March, 2001.

(Approved by the Board of Directors on the 7th of March, 2001)

  1. The “Journal” mentioned in Article 7 refers to the society home page for the present.
  2. The “Other Media” mentioned in Article 7 refers to DiVA for the present.

Publications Committee Regulations

1. Publications Committee Responsibilities

In accordance with Article 3 of the Society Articles of Incorporation and Article 15 of the Society Constitution, the Publications Committee is appointed for the purposes of performing the administration, editing and publishing of journals.

2. Publications Committee Structure

The Publications Committee is composed as follows.
(1) Chairperson
Single position
(2) Vice-Chairperson
Multiple positions
(3) Member
Multiple positions

Member List

3. Chairperson

In accordance with Article 9, Section 3 of the Society Constitution, a person from the Society Editorial Board will accede to the position of Chairperson.

4. Vice-Chairpersons

The Chairperson may appoint a member of the committee to the office of Vice-Chairperson as may be necessary.

5. Members

Members are delegated by the Society President, under the approval of the Publications Committee after a recommendation by the committee Chairperson.

6. Term of Office

The Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons, and members serve a term of two years with no restriction on reappointment.

7. Revision Process

Revisions to these regulations are carried out with the full consent of the Publications Committee.

(Additional Rules)

These regulations are in effect from the 7th of March, 2001.

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